Android still risky, 13 malware applications urgently removed from the Google Play Store. Apps are creeping into the system and resist formatting.
The ease with which you can publish your application Android via the Play Store, favoreggia undoubtedly the possibility that malware will introduce in our smartphone.
Under guidance of the company LookOut, an expert in cyber security, Big G has performed in-depth analysis, which led to results in quietanti.
Brain Test team of app developers hazardous to safety , he returned to visit the Play Store with a series of games for Android.
Android, removed 13 from the Store malware applications
The removed malware applications are all over 13 and belong to the same developer: Brain Train.
Many of these apps Android boast high ratings and a large number of downloads. Moreover, it comes to toys more or less elementary created for entertaining especially children.
The great diffusion of this content has further disturbed Google, which has undergone removed all content Brain Test . On December 29, in fact, LookOut said that the survey results have led to a general cleaning.
However, deleting applications from the Play Store is not the ultimate solution of the problem.Unfortunately, malware sneak into the system and in some cases even resist to the total data recovery.