Google DeepMind, Artificial Intelligence that can mimic the Human Voice Google DeepMind, Artificial Intelligence that can mimic the Human Voice | Tips Conference - General Savings Tips

Google DeepMind, Artificial Intelligence that can mimic the Human Voice

WaveNET is an offshore array-based wave energy converter that uses the motion of waves to generate electricity. The floating structure of the WaveNET is flexible in all directions, and capable of capturing power from the ocean regardless of wave direction and array orientation.

DeepMind Google , which is working on developing a super intelligent computers, has created a system to process artificial languages ​​, with better performance by 50% compared to existing technology.

The British company DeepMind , acquired by Google in 2014 for an amount of over 500 million dollars, has developed an artificial intelligence called WaveNet , which is able to mimic human speech based on how they are formed by sound waves created man's voice.Some people in English and Chinese, who were involved in the Google test, they found the language elaborated by WaveNet more natural and realistic than any other program.Many software that processes artificial languages ​​work using a wide range of data, from short recordings of a single human speaker, which are then combined to form new words. The result is understandable but it is not completely natural.WaveNet, however, is an ' artificial intelligence designed to mimic how the parts of the human brain. .Other companies operating in the technology marketplace have invested on personal assistants that interact with users through language. We think, for example, to Apple's Siri, Cortana Microsoft, Amazon and Alexa AlphaGo Google. Mark Bennett, general manager of Google Play, at a conference in London last week said that 20% of mobile searches are done through Google by voice and not writing.

And while researchers have made ​​huge strides to make computers able to understand the spoken language, the same is not true for their ability to respond under "human". Of course it will take some time before the new system is put on the market because, as stated by the researchers, "is clearly a demanding job." 

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