Google releases new Android API for the safety of online surfing Google releases new Android API for the safety of online surfing | Tips Conference - General Savings Tips

Google releases new Android API for the safety of online surfing

During the past Google I / O , the event dedicated to developers during which the novelties of the world are presented Android and not only that, Google had announced, among other things, also a number of security-related enhancements to the operating system . Now, after a few months and in full respect of the times indicated during the Keynote, here is that Google has released a number of new APIs for the "device-local Safe Browsing" .

The implementation of new security rules were started with the arrival of Google Play Services version 9.4 , through which all Android developers could use the privacy-preserving , a network available on your device, highly efficient in terms of consumption-oriented Safe Browsing to help protect users from malicious applications.

By integrating the new API all this can be done in a better and faster. In fact, now you can examine a URL thanks to SafetyNet , a client for SafeBrowsing Network Protocol v4 addresses that will analyze and return information about their safety if they are present in the Google database and identified as malicious. Obviously everything is developed to ensure the most complete and absolute privacy of users as well as to work in with minimal impact on battery consumption and data network.

Since the initial launch, we were detected over a hundred million threats on some exposed millions of devices running Chrome as a browser. Google's goal is to go further and get to protect in the same way all Android users.

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