Today I want to talk about the amount of money needed to start a business online. This is a very common question that people ask me, and certainly was a question I had when I started. There is a common misconception about what it really costs to start. Most people, including at one point think it takes a lot of money. I understand how difficult it can be. You may think, "Well, I have no bottom How could really start a business."?
But there is good news! Although it costs money to start a business online, it costs less than you might think.
The key question you want to ask yourself is what type of business you want to start?
Whatever business concept wonder you, you must realize that it will cost money, and for some types of businesses that can cost a lot of money. But do not let the obstacle money to do the work in the field, including research to find the pain points for your prospects that your business can help solve.
In fact, I wrote a book, Will It Fly?, Who it is specifically designed to help people find out if a business idea worth pursuing. I recommend you read as a guide during the discovery phase. Thousands of people have already used Will It Fly? as a tool to help validate and test their own business ideas before spending money they do not have to spend. You can obtain a copy
You do not have to start big. Start small, inexpensive, and work your way towards your goal.
When I started my first online business in 2008 (, formerly, the idea was to help budding architects spend LEED certification test. He almost did not spend any money at all. All I did was start a blog, which at the time cost $ 6.95 per month for web hosting, and I use Bluehost. (As most of you know, I'm a big fan of Bluehost. And because I have an affiliate relationship with them, you can get your business website is much less than when I began, from only $ 3.49 per month!)
At first, this is the only money I was spending. Well, and buy my coffee a day! Most of my initial investment was my time writing notes, writing, making charts and graphs information that could help people, including me, this exam.
The next payment for my company was in October 2008 when I had the idea of ​​selling an ebook. To do this, I had to spend some money on a shopping cart service (e-junkie at the time, so I moved to Gumroad, as I describe in the Smart Way eBook) that allowed me to deliver e -book for people who bought it. There was a flat $ 5 per month fee. Different companies have different ways of establishing these price structures, but in any case, should not be a huge monthly fee to go.
If your business idea requires a cart service SamCart recommended as an excellent choice, inexpensive. It is also very easy to use. If you want to provide an electronic book, which gives you the opportunity to do so. They manage the entire process credit card, payment and delivery. It's pretty sweet.