How to Body Detox for Weight Loss How to Body Detox for Weight Loss | Tips Conference - General Savings Tips

How to Body Detox for Weight Loss

 A detox is recommended once a while. It helps the body get rid of disease-causing toxins; it flushes all your internal organs, including the liver, kidneys and colon and muscle tissues. As such it promotes physical and mental well-being, moving towards a more holistic approach to maintaining health.

A body detox is one of the ways to speed up weight loss. Most of us equate it with fad and crash diets, translating to severe starvation. It is not right! Detoxification is all about using natural foods and drinks to cleanse your body system. So, there are some simple steps you can use at home and we've rounded up 6 tips below.

Guzzle litres of water

Whether you are on a detox diet for weight loss or not, your body needs a lot of water to regulate different processes. It excretes harmful chemicals and wastes through urine. Keep a bottle at hand and sip water continuously.

For weight loss, squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. It helps weight loss. It also restores the electrolyte balance.

Sweat it out

Exercise works in two ways as a detox for weight loss. First, physical activity burns all those extra calories that get stored up as fat. It also pumps out harmful chemicals through sweat. It amps up the circulatory and lymphatic systems and keeps you fit by correcting digestive problems. Work out for at least 30 minutes a day. Have a bath after every workout session to get rid of the accumulated toxins.

Cut back on sugar

Since the primary aim of the body detox is weight loss, it makes a big difference when eliminate excess sugars from your diet. By supplying your body with more sugar, you are forcing your pancreas to work beyond their capacity. Skip sugary beverages, white sugars and artificial sweeteners.

Reduce sodium intake

Skip all those frozen and processed foods as they are high in sodium. Sodium retains water adding water weight to your overall weight.

Green tea

You love that cup of coffee early morning, but your body sure doesn't like it. Caffeine causes you to put on weight. In excess, it also dehydrates your body. Substitute your coffee cup with green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants. It aids digestions. It flushes out toxins. It also helps for weight loss. So many benefits in a single cup!

Skin brushing

After you have done all you can internally to attack your weight issues, there's need to tackle it from the outside. The skin acts like a kidney, filtering out toxins. Dry skin brushing is one way to help your body detox naturally.

Dry skin brushing involves massaging the skin gently with a dry brush using circular movements. This exfoliation process cleans clogged pores and sloughs off dead skin cells enabling skin cell regeneration. It also promotes circulation. In addition to this, dry skin brushing breaks down deep-seated fat deposits that cause cellulite.

A detox routine will create a healthier you. Not only this, it reinforces your immune system and leaves you with more energy to go about your daily tasks.

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