How does the USB Killer destroys any device How does the USB Killer destroys any device | Tips Conference - General Savings Tips

How does the USB Killer destroys any device

 It looks like a simple USB and is able to immediately destroy the computers on which it is entered. But also a TV or any other device with a USB port. This is what can make the USB Killer - and already the name says it all - that can destroy almost any modern machine.

Put simply, does its "magic" drawing on energy a device and discharging it back to the recipient potenziandole and leading hardware literally fry. At first glance, it seems one of the tools that the "bad" movies use it, according to the producers, was not designed for evil purposes. In fact, it is a gadget that aims to verify if a machine is vulnerable to attack or not.

An experienced team of hardware security of Hong Kong is the author of this USB Killer and the staff was the same the first to be exposed to this particular risk of the devices last year. However, its development is still in its infancy.

Despite the team's efforts to publicize and bring the knowledge problem, since manufacturers of electronic devices have taken few or no measures to ward off the danger. So far, only Apple has implemented methods of protection on its products. " To date, according to our tests, the only company that issues a hardware protected USB power attack is Apple, on laptops and other devices. This means that - despite the warning and time to respond adequately - the majority of consumer and level hardware manufacturers choose not to protect their customers' devices. He [discouraged] by this lack of respect for customers , "has said the organization.

Perhaps this attempt to make the vulnerability as widely as possible a variant, it could turn the tide in his favor. That said, the demand for USB Killer seems to be so high that, today, you're trying to honor backorders. For those wishing to try it, it is available through the official website of the group and will be available to customers for a price of $ 56, 49,95 € for the European market.

In addition, there is also the  Killer Tester USB or USB Protection Shield that allows users to test the output capabilities of the USB Killer without destroying the device to which it is connected. Its price amounts to about $ 15, or € 13,95 .

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