WhatsApp launches its client for Windows and Mac. In fact it seems that we know not a real innovation, the program is nothing more than an old acquaintance.
WhatsApp , the famous instant messaging service, expands compatible platforms and adds a client dedicated to Windows and Mac. This is how it actually works.
The dedicated application for the instant exchange via the data connection, try to be able to cope all'acerrimo enemy Telegram, constantly introducing innovations to its offer.
Within a few months, they have been added to the special characters and the long-awaited data encryption . But it seems that the company is not enough. Only a few days ago, it bounced on social news of the arrival of a client, specifically dedicated to Windows and Mac, which would allow to use the service as a PC.
After compatibility with Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Symbian, BlackBerry OS, and all Web browsers, it seems the time to devote a real desktop program also to the PC.
In fact, as described, the news would seem attractive. However, a real novelty is difficult to consider the client. The reason is simple, there is nothing new.
WhatsApp client is nothing but a mini Web browser
To find out what WhatsApp has in Serbia for its clients simply go on their website, in the Download Section. After choosing your very own operating system (Windows or OSX), the client will be downloaded.
At that point, it simply opens it to realize that in front of the classic, well-known, Web version of WhatsApp . Nothing changes, even authentication using QR Code.
At this point, instead of burdening the system with another application - that you put yourself among the automatic startup processes - you should continue to use the classic Web version of WhatsApp . It being understood, of course, that future plans are not the ones to completely eliminate this mode to take advantage of the service instant messaging.
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