6 Ways How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
6 Ways How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur | Tips Conference - General Savings Tips
6 Ways How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
That week! We survived the hustle and bustle and the new routines back to school, and we even came out prosperous! It's been amazing to see Jude excited about middle school and fully increase her organizational skills! I was not sure he had it, did I say it out loud? - and although I was a little sad about the idea of ​​him getting older, I was even more proud to see how he is increasing and how happy this new sense of responsibility is.
We begin with DESERVE as our focus for our 21-day challenge at Global Circle this month. There is still time to join: see the "Chris recommends" section below.
Enjoy and have a beautiful long weekend! I am looking forward to having family in the city and a bonfire on the beach with friends! I hope you have something fun planned too!
Some things that I have noticed after working with hundreds of entrepreneurs. The following are highlighted as focal points to be successful.
1. Do what you say you are going to do. It will be difficult to be serious or to be reliable when you do not do it, so you say what you are going to do. Honoring your word will go far in building relationships in business.
2. Be early! This has been a difficult task to swallow for me, but in this there is a lot of truth. When we are late, it shows a level or lack of respect not only for the people with whom we meet, but also for ourselves. Value yourself and your time, and others. And why not even be a little early?
3. Join (or create) a tribe of like-minded entrepreneurs. Nothing beats a group of people who have like-minded ideas to support and collaborate. Being in business for yourself can be isolating. The connection goes a long way for our hearts and souls, and it is amazing what appears in life and business as a result.
4. Have good limits on your time. Pay conscious attention to what you say yes and no to your life and business. Are you saying yes when you do not want to? That will only leave a later resentment. Are you taking care of yourself so much that you do not have time to do what you love? Do you spend time with people who depress you instead of empowering you? Start asking: "If he loved me, would he do _____?" I know it's a bit cliché, but it's true. If we really loved and honored, what would we be doing with our time and with whom would we spend it?
5. Avoid the drama. Stop the gossip and the analysis of why someone did or did not do something. There are many other things that could happen, such as growing your business and enjoying your life, and then worrying about the fact that someone else is doing something or not. When we put aside the expectations of others, we are liberated. When we learn the lesson of why this person or situation appears, it may stop appearing! What a liberator!
6. Last but not least, gain control over your energy. Coming from a loving and kind energy, where you legitimately care about people, it goes a long way. What you post will recover quickly, and when you focus on always being in service, your business will grow exponentially.
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