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Follow these Steps:
If you're Lucky enough, Then you can easily get A lot of GoDaddy accounts with Staff.
For this Method, You'll have a Mail Access Combo.
(If you don't know how to Create Mail Access Combo, Don't Worry, I'll help you in this.)
Here's The Method:
1. Copy all the Keywords and Put it in the Slayer Leecher, Searching Setting will be Only
Pastebin and Use Last Week Result, and then Start.
2. After getting URLs, Put them into Leecher and put the number of Threads to 80.
3. After Getting Hits, Remove Duplicates and Save them into a Notepad.
4. For Checking the Combo is Mail Access and Valid, Put them into AIO, Woxy or Mail
Access Checker by X-Slayer to check.
The staff that Used in this Method:
Slayer Leecher: http://bit.ly/2LixkTK
Private Mail Access KeyWords(112k): http://bit.ly/2V56rHv
Mail Access Checker by X-Slayer: http://bit.ly/2PEMIs3
1. Once You got your Mail Access Combo list, Put it in the Woxy and use GoDaddy Config.
(I've Given a Pack of Configs)
2. We'll be going to Use Woxy V3 for this Method, Now Put you Mail Access Combo into "Combo.txt"
in Woxy Folder.
3. Once this is Done, We'll open Woxy and Choose GoDaddy Configs, then Thread and then Date.
(You can put " if you don't want it)
4. After that, Run Woxy Checker and wait till to Get the Hits, and then We'll Recover the
( You would Definitely Know how to Recover)
5. For Recovering the GoDaddy Accounts, You'll Need Username or Customer Number, But Don't
Worry You can Easily Get the Customer Number in the Hits.
6. You've to Find any Payment, Order History, There Might be any Payment Method Linked,
If it his Linked, You can Buy anything you want on GoDaddy.
So this was the Method, I Hope you'll like it and if you like it, Appreciate it.
Here's the Checkers Used in this Method:
Woxy V3 Checker: http://bit.ly/2LdmPBf
(With a Pack of Configs)
Here's the Bonus:
500k Mail Access Combo!: http://bit.ly/2GWYoUr
If you're Lucky enough, Then you can easily get A lot of GoDaddy accounts with Staff.
For this Method, You'll have a Mail Access Combo.
(If you don't know how to Create Mail Access Combo, Don't Worry, I'll help you in this.)
Here's The Method:
1. Copy all the Keywords and Put it in the Slayer Leecher, Searching Setting will be Only
Pastebin and Use Last Week Result, and then Start.
2. After getting URLs, Put them into Leecher and put the number of Threads to 80.
3. After Getting Hits, Remove Duplicates and Save them into a Notepad.
4. For Checking the Combo is Mail Access and Valid, Put them into AIO, Woxy or Mail
Access Checker by X-Slayer to check.
The staff that Used in this Method:
Slayer Leecher: http://bit.ly/2LixkTK
Private Mail Access KeyWords(112k): http://bit.ly/2V56rHv
Mail Access Checker by X-Slayer: http://bit.ly/2PEMIs3
Here's The Method to Crack GoDaddy Accounts!!
1. Once You got your Mail Access Combo list, Put it in the Woxy and use GoDaddy Config.
(I've Given a Pack of Configs)
2. We'll be going to Use Woxy V3 for this Method, Now Put you Mail Access Combo into "Combo.txt"
in Woxy Folder.
3. Once this is Done, We'll open Woxy and Choose GoDaddy Configs, then Thread and then Date.
(You can put " if you don't want it)
4. After that, Run Woxy Checker and wait till to Get the Hits, and then We'll Recover the
( You would Definitely Know how to Recover)
5. For Recovering the GoDaddy Accounts, You'll Need Username or Customer Number, But Don't
Worry You can Easily Get the Customer Number in the Hits.
6. You've to Find any Payment, Order History, There Might be any Payment Method Linked,
If it his Linked, You can Buy anything you want on GoDaddy.
So this was the Method, I Hope you'll like it and if you like it, Appreciate it.
Here's the Checkers Used in this Method:
Woxy V3 Checker: http://bit.ly/2LdmPBf
(With a Pack of Configs)
Here's the Bonus:
500k Mail Access Combo!: http://bit.ly/2GWYoUr